martes, 19 de abril de 2016

Hello everyone!
Today I’d like to write about my favorite photo I took, so my photograph was taken in Sao Paulo-Brazil when I have 17 years old,  this picture is taken in a famous “rua” in the city, and although isn’t the best, it was the first that I took in this side (and I was taken with my cellphone haha).
This picture is very important to me, it’s me bring me back memories about the travel, but differently, because if you imagine Brazil, you think in a tropical forest, the Portuguese speaking, the ecological systems or the beautiful beaches, although you may not believe Sao Paulo is the capital of street art, (if you don’t know which is the street art, is a visual art created in public locations, usually use many colors and techniques).
In Sao Paulo, the artists which combines entrepreneurship with the revalidation of public spaces to provide aesthetic relief from the suffocating routing, and transforming gray walls into open museum.

In this image, I appreciate the unconventional situation haha, and I really like the different colors, the techniques (roller, paintbrushes, spray, fixed paper and the artist combine this with my favorite material – chalk), and this possibility of “design a wall” motivates me, to change the walls of my neighborhood or my city!

5 comentarios:

  1. Nice picture! I´d like to know more about the street art :)

  2. I have a friend who travel for six months only to do stret art in Sao Paulo. I love this draw!

  3. I went to Sau Paulo in 2014 and got some great photos of street art:)

  4. I had never imagined that Brazil had that quality arts In its Street how beautiful
